

Category Choral and Vocal Music

Mysterium was commissioned in 1962 by the Pro Civitate Christiana Assisi at that time entrusted each year to a composer composing an oratorio inspired by a verse of the Creed. Rota touches the issue of the universality of faith. This gave rise to the Mysterium Catholicum with texts chosen by Vinci Verginelli taken from the Old and New Testament, antiphon of Holy Thursday and the Doctrina Domains.

Mysterium is structured in seven sections which outline a theological vision of monumental proportions; it is at the same time an intimate, reflective meditation. Mysterium represents a supreme musical exegesis of the text; it is a musical “theology” in the sense of being a discourse on mysterious and divine realities.

Arrangiamento / Arrangement: Oratorio per 4 voci soliste, Coro e Orchestra in 7 parti

Prima Esecuzione / First Performed: 29 August 1962 Assisi, Anfiteatro Cottadella Cristiana

Contenuto / Content:

  1. Allegro moderato e maestoso (Unum Panem)
  2. “Quoniam unus panis, unum corpus…”
  3. Andante espressivo
  4. Andante, un poco alla marcia
  5. Lento
  6. Allegretto gioioso, ben ritmato
  7. Allegro ben moderato e deciso

Strumentazione / Instrumentation:

Solisti: Bs. Sp., A., Ten/Coro, Coro di bambini a 2e3 voci12e3 Fl./Ott./1e2Ob/Corno Inglese/1e2 Cl. in si bem/Cl. basso in si bem/12 Fg./Controfg/123e4 Crn. in fa/12e3 Trb. in Do/12e3 Trmb.

Durata / Duration: 01:10:00

Note alla discografia/Liner Notes

Nino Rota Sacred Works Vol 4 (2013)

Vedere anche / See also:

Discografia / Discography

Spartito / Sheet Music


Mysterium Parts 1-7 (audio)

Mysterium: embattled La Verdi buoyed by Rota’s rising star

Date 1962

Schott Music