Title | The Godfather – The Coppola Restoration Giftset |
Category | Videography |
Description |
Synopsis: Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather, The Godfather, Part II and The Godfather, Part III are restored and remastered. Produced under the supervision of Coppola and cinematographer Gordon Willis, this boxed set presents The Godfather trilogy in visually restored versions with remastered audio. Languages: English, French Subtitles: French, Spanish, English closed captioning Video Format: HD 1080p/Widescreen Audio:
Run Time: 549 minutes (5 discs) Disc 1: The Godfather (177:05) Disc 2: The Godfather, Part II (202:00) Disc 3: The Godfather, Part III (170:10) Disc 4: Special Features
Disc 5: Special Features:
Distributor: Paramount Pictures Official Movie Site: The Godfather See also: Discography (The Godfather) Discography (Il Padrino) |
Date | 2008-Sep-23 |
Publisher |