
Waltz for piano/Valzer per pianoforte

Category Chamber Music

Arrangiamento / Arrangement: for piano / per pianoforte

Valse lento molto cantabile, un poco liberamente

Durata: 00:03:09

Dedicazione/Dedication: To the esteemed Signora Giovanna Albano Sottomano as a gift from the bottom of my heart, Bari 2 July 1945

Descrizione/Description (from the Foreword to the Sheet Music)

A little while ago, I was looking through my old exercise book of counterpoint studies and discovered the copy of a manuscript of a piano work by Nino Rota.

This work is a waltz with the dedication “To the esteemed Signora Giovanna Albano Sottomano as a gift from the bottom of my heart, Bari 2 July 1945”.

The theme of this composition which in its initial bars is reminiscent of a melody which was subsequently further developed in the opera Il cappello di paglia di Firenze (The Florentine Hat) (1945-46), immediately assumes an expression of painful nostalgia, thereby reflecting a characteristic which was so typical of the maestro, and subsequently develops into a bravura piece perfectly capturing the spirit of the 19th century.

My editing work was limited to the reconstruction of a few bars which had become illegible through time and the correction of a few writing errors.

–Adriano Cirillo
Translation: Lindsay Chalmers-Gerbracht

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Media (audio)


Sheet Music

Date 1945

Schott Music